List of all Iyengar Presenters

Session ID: 2104

List of all Iyengar Sessions
Session Title:

Yama and Niyama in Āsana

Presented by:

Ros Bell

in the 5-Day Iyengar Yoga Intensive: Mon Oct 21–Fri Oct 25, 2024

Thu Oct 16th 2025: 7:00 am–9:00 am PDT

Although in Ros's local time zone, this is: Thu Oct 16th 3:00 pm–5:00 pm, 2024: BST

Chit Visnu Middling

Explanations of terms

2.0 hour(s)

Session Description:

The eight limbs of yoga start with addressing how we think, speak and behave—sets of ethical restraints and positive observances for the yogi to live by, both off and on the practice mat.

In this session, we’ll do a range of āsana (and some prānāyāma), thinking about each of the yamas and niyamas; and how these ethical guidelines can be expressed in our āsana practice.

(Please be sure to peruse the Participant Notes).

Notes to Participants:

This is a session of philosophy in action.

Plenty of instruction will be offered to inform each āsana … but this class is intended for people who already have a solid grounding in Iyengar yoga practice, so that we can focus on this part of yoga philosophy, and make it something with real meaning.