Detailed Listing of Festival Presenters

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Stan Andrzejewski | | Olop Arpipi | | Victoria Austin | | Sherri Baptiste | | Gitte Bechsgaard | | Ros Bell | | Sophie Boller | | Nora Burnett | | Paul Cabanis | | Cristina Costa | | Anna Delury | | Mary Devore | | George Dovas | | Erin Ehlers | | Aileen Epstein Ignadiou | | Ruth Fisk | | Gabriella Giubilaro | | Gloria Goldberg | | Eden Goldman | | Alan Goode | | Gail Grossman | | Sheila Haswell | | Jeanne Heileman | | Juliet Heizman | | Justin Herold | | Holly Hoffmann | | Greta Kent-Stoll | | Magi Khoo | | Gary Kraftsow | | Maya Lev | | Pixie Lillas | | Elana Maggal | | Simon Marrocco | | Amey Mathews | | Ginny Nadler | | Jaki Nett | | Keiko Okuno | | Jayne Orton | | Liz Pagan | | Aadil Palkhivala | | Larry Payne | | Neil Pearson | | Shane Phillips | | Jennifer Prugh | | Shiva Rea | | Cathy Rogers Evans | | Ila Sarley | Antonio Sausys | | Carrie Schneider | | John Schumacher | | Wendelin Scott | | Shaili Shafai | | Maria Shatlanova | | Peter Sterios | | Sue Stiles | | Maxine Tobias | | Patricia Walden | | Lisa Walford | | Amy Weintraub | | Joan White | | Anat Zahor | | Kate Zuckerman | |

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Ila Sarley
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Ila Kelly Sarley is a leader and social entrepreneur in the field of wellness education. Her specialty is running holistic learning centers and serving nonprofit organizations. Ila has held leadership positions with three of the largest and most-influential holistic learning centers in the United States.

She is a founding member of the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health and returned there in 2004 to serve as President. She co-led a renewal of vision, mission, and business development which resulted in quadrupling net revenues for the nonprofit organization, putting it on a path of financial sustainability. For nine years, Ila also served as the Director of Marketing and Communications at the country’s largest holistic education provider: Omega Institute for Holistic Studies.

Most recently, Ila helped launch the 1440 Foundation, where she co-developed a national network of programs bringing daily meditation practice to public schools as a way to improve academic performance, reduce stress, and increase overall systemic resiliency. Ila provided skilled leadership for the brand-new 1440 Multiversity. She lay the foundation of the business and organization to build a year-round workshop program calendar of exceptional talent and variety and a corresponding marketing strategy that successfully achieved 10,000 sales in year one.

Ila’s passion lies in developing the organization’s brand identity, program curriculum, and marketing strategy in partnership with key stakeholders. She aims to successfully fulfill the institution’s mission and vision while generating mission impact and financial sustainability. She applies her knowledge and experience of living in a contemplative community and holding multiple executive leadership positions to gaining positive and lasting results for her clients.

List of Ila’s Sessions


Expressing your yoga inspired vision in the world


[D] Off The Mat / Giving Back to the World


All Levels


1.0 hour(s)


Considering taking your passion for yoga and health into the world and creating a more permanent expression as your own business?

Join Ila Sarley, one of the country’s foremost experts in building and running holistic retreat centers, for an in-depth exploration of the potentials and challenges of building and/ or operating a yoga based retreat center.

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Ila Sarley
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