go to: Full List of Festival Presenters | go to: Open Weekend Presenters Fri Jan 20–Sun Jan 22, 2023 |
Olop Arpipi | | Victoria Austin | | Gitte Bechsgaard | | Ros Bell | | Nora Burnett | | Cristina Costa | | Anna Delury | | Mary Devore | | George Dovas | | Aileen Epstein Ignadiou | | Ruth Fisk | | Gabriella Giubilaro | | Gloria Goldberg | | Sheila Haswell | | Justin Herold | | Holly Hoffmann | | Greta Kent-Stoll | | Pixie Lillas | | Simon Marrocco | | Jaki Nett | | Keiko Okuno | | Jayne Orton | | Liz Pagan | Cathy Rogers Evans | | John Schumacher | | Shaili Shafai | | Maria Shatlanova | | Patricia Walden | | Lisa Walford | | Joan White | | Anat Zahor | |
Liz Pagan has been a student of Iyengar yoga for more than 30 years. She has taught for close to 20 years, and she specializes in bringing the Iyengar method to the wider community through adult schools and the local YMCA. She is certified at the Intro II level.
She decided she was ready to become a teacher when she realized she knew all the Sanskit terms for the asanas. Daunted by the amount of study she knew was needed to become an Iyengar teacher, she obtained her first certification from a different school, but soon realized that she needed to return to the "one true faith" and pass along the unparalled knowledge she had gleaned from the Iyengar system.
She began her studies with the late Theresa Rowland at Studio Yoga in Madison, NJ. Theresa held a wealth of yoga knowledge, and she was extremely generous with that knowledge. When a student asked a question, Theresa would gaze from one student to another, and when someone finally came up with a tentative answer, Theresa said nothing, but sent the students to their mats so they could feel the answer it in their own bodies.
Therea's teaching style could aptly be described as non-linear -- her students often referred to the "Zen of Theresa" -- and she insisted that her students going up for certification go to "finishing school." For that, Liz studied with Joan White, her teacher to this day. She also continues her teacher education with Matt Dreyfus at Santosha Yoga Studio in Madison.
Over the years, Liz has attended many intensives with Kofi Busia. He gave her the greatest gift when, after she asked him what he could offer her personally, he said, "I see a student who has studied long and hard, and has learned to be completely present. Now, you need space." Liz still tries to find space in her practice.
"Getting Iyengar certification was the hardest thing I've ever done," Liz says. And teaching continues to be the most rewarding work she does.
List of Liz’s Sessions