go to: Full List of Festival Presenters | go to: Open Weekend Presenters Fri Jan 20–Sun Jan 22, 2023 |
Olop Arpipi | | Victoria Austin | | Gitte Bechsgaard | | Ros Bell | | Nora Burnett | | Cristina Costa | | Anna Delury | | Mary Devore | | George Dovas | | Aileen Epstein Ignadiou | | Ruth Fisk | | Gabriella Giubilaro | | Gloria Goldberg | | Sheila Haswell | | Justin Herold | | Holly Hoffmann | | Greta Kent-Stoll | | Pixie Lillas | | Simon Marrocco | | Jaki Nett | | Keiko Okuno | | Jayne Orton | | Liz Pagan | | Cathy Rogers Evans | | John Schumacher | Shaili Shafai | | Maria Shatlanova | | Patricia Walden | | Lisa Walford | | Joan White | | Anat Zahor | |
BIOGRAPHY: John Schumacher has practiced yoga for over five decades. In 1979, he founded Unity Woods Yoga Center, the Washington areas first fulltime yoga studio. For 33 years, he studied in India regularly with B.K.S. Iyengar, who personally certified him as an Advanced Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT). Johns clear, precise style and his engaging sense of humor have made him one of Americas leading yoga teachers. In 2015, Yoga Journal awarded him its prestigious “Good Karma” Award for “spending 40-plus years sharing [his] practice to help authenticate yoga in America today”. In 2007, he was a keynote speaker at the first NIH conference on alternative health. He currently writes the “On Pranayama” column in The Light, the digital magazine of the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the US (IYNAUS).
List of John’s Iyengar Sessions
Sat Brahma Middling
2.0 hour(s)
Twisting or Lateral Poses are among the most challenging and valuable of asanas. They prepare you for Back Bends; they transition you from Back Bends. They are invaluable tools for fostering organic health (health of the internal organs). And of course, they mobilize the spine. Twists occur in Standing Poses, Inversions, Forward Bends, Arm Balances, even Back Bends.
In this Session we will practice a variety of Twists, not only to obtain the physical/physiological benefits, but to explore actions and subtleties that can deepen your experience.