go to: Full List of Festival Presenters | go to: Open Weekend Presenters Fri Jan 20–Sun Jan 22, 2023 |
Olop Arpipi | | Victoria Austin | | Gitte Bechsgaard | | Ros Bell | | Nora Burnett | | Cristina Costa | Anna Delury | | Mary Devore | | George Dovas | | Aileen Epstein Ignadiou | | Ruth Fisk | | Gabriella Giubilaro | | Gloria Goldberg | | Sheila Haswell | | Justin Herold | | Holly Hoffmann | | Greta Kent-Stoll | | Pixie Lillas | | Simon Marrocco | | Jaki Nett | | Keiko Okuno | | Jayne Orton | | Liz Pagan | | Cathy Rogers Evans | | John Schumacher | | Shaili Shafai | | Maria Shatlanova | | Patricia Walden | | Lisa Walford | | Joan White | | Anat Zahor | |
Cristina Costa is a Senior Intermediate 1 (level 3) teacher.
Cristina has studied Iyengar yoga since 2004. She started studying and then teaching yoga in Brazil and moved to France to deepens her knowledge and practice.
Cristina studied for many years with Faeq and Corine Biria. She has been going to Pune regularly since 2011 to study directly with the Iyengars. And she became a devoted student of Gabriella Giubilaro in 2015.
Cristina considers it most important to continuing study. While we may receive infinite wisdom from the teachings we receive; we learn very much more from our own practice.
List of Cristina’s Sessions
Accessing the root of the body / working on Apana Vayu
Sat Brahma Middling
2.0 hour(s)
“Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility and joy.†BKS Iyengar
Working from/for/with the foundation—feet, legs and pelvis—to create access to the root of the trunk.
We are going to practice different asanas to open and mobilize the hips and groins.
This work brings JOY!
Please if possible have access to the following props: